We specialize in complex litigation in New York, California, and other states. Our strengths are data-driven, deeply investigated, expert-dense cases enhanced by data analytics. We amplify the legal expertise of savvy litigators by leveraging fast and furious technologies, offering our clients a powerful representation that leads to swift and effective results.
Because of our attorneys' record, within the initial years following the establishment of PL, the firm was managing over a hundred complex, federal and state, cases; achieved dozens of settlements, initiated a number of class actions, recovered millions of dollars for our clients, and launched multi-state cooperations with nationwide class action firms.
From Sun Tzu's The Art of War, 544-496 BC, to Carl von Clausewitz's Vom Kriege at the time of Waterloo, 1832, the enduring principle has been that "every battle is won before it's ever fought," emphasizing the importance of preparation, strategy, and foresight in achieving victory. These principles, though from an age unacquainted with the technological innovations that now reshape legal practices, are still profoundly pertinent to modern complex legal battlefields.
In this cybersonic world, continuous innovation and adaptability are not merely advantageous—they are imperatives mandated by Professional Responsibility laws for attorneys.
PL's profoundly savvy, versatile and driven team, fueled by a Silicon Valley ethos, is the one to join forces with when you face today's complex litigation.