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Have you used at least one of these Baby Products at any time from 2019 to now (you can check multiple choices):
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Johnson's Baby Products' labels claim that they are Tear-Free, Free of Parabens, Phthalates, Dyes. Which claims, if any, influenced your decision to buy Johnson's Baby Products (you can check multiple choices)?
Were you aware that by buying Johnson's Baby Product(s) you were paying a higher price than you would have paid for some similar products without such health claims (you can check multiple choices)?
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Johnson & Johnson's Baby Products Class Action

This class action suit alleges that "Phthalates-Free" Baby Shampoo, Baby Head-To-Toe Wash, Baby Bar (Soap), Baby Wipes (Baby Cleansing Cloth) have tested positive for Phthalates.

The stakes could be high for the child of a purchaser of these products since phthalates are being studied for impairment of childrens' intellectual abilities, including lowering their IQ, increasing risk for attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder, damaging their brain tissues, a possible link to brest cancer, and much more.

If you have bought one of these Baby Products, you might be entitled to compensation. To participate in the lawsuit, you don't need to have a child, it is sufficient if you purchased one of Baby Products for your personal use.

What are some compensations received in class action cases by class representatives?

Some recent examples include:

Wells v. Allstate Ins. Co., 557 F. Supp. 2d 1 (D.D.C. 2008):

"Class counsel request approval of... $10,000 for each of the named plaintiffs... The court concludes that this request — a small piece of the overall settlement — is reasonable. "This Court has . . . determined that incentive awards to named plaintiffs are not uncommon in class action litigation, particularly where a common fund has been created for the benefit of the entire class." Lorazepam, 2003 WL 22037741, at *10."

Rogers v. Lumina Solar, Inc., No. 18-cv-2128 (KBJ) (D.D.C. Jun. 19, 2020):

"A $5,000 Service Award To The Named Plaintiff Is Reasonable Under The Circumstances Of This Case."

Trout v. The Select Grp. Fed., Civil Action 21-1684 (RBW) (D.D.C. Oct. 10, 2023):

"The proposed settlement agreement states that plaintiff “Trout shall receive $4,000.00 for her efforts in bringing and prosecuting [this case]."

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