Defendant's [company] name and address*
If you own any legal entity, your company name and address
Your position with your company, if any
Minor children's names and ages
Please describe all of your injuries:
If you didn’t go in an ambulance to the hospital/ER immediately, did you seek medical attention? If so, please list the name of the facility and the date you went for treatment:
Are you still in pain from the accident? If so, please describe:
Has your life changed in any other way? Are you unable to do things you used to enjoy before the accident?
Please name all cities, counties, states releated to your case*
Was this a work related accident?*
Please describe your case*
Who do you believe is responsible for your injuries?*
Please list documents/evidence you have gathered so far to prove your case, if any
Upload any evidence you have
Have you already spoken with another attorney about this case? If so, please give their name and contact information*
Are you still working with this attorney?
Has an attorney previously declined to represent you in this matter? If yes, why?*
Please provide names of cases (i.e. "John Green v. Consumer Goods Inc."), and courts where you, your company (if you own a company), members of your company have litigate(d) any matters, or a pre-litigation settlements were achieved, if any
Do you use any instant messengers?